Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tyra, Mixies, and Black/brownface


Tyra has founded the neo blackface fashion spread - by way of mixies. I have to say, the shame i sometimes have of my kind - induced by huge egos, cluelessness, uppitiness, bourgieness, selling our darker kin down the river (sometimes literally), and internalized white supremacy - was actually in direct proportion to the stupidity of this episode.

choice quotations:
"think about Egypt, the people, what they've been through"

"in Botswana, music is heard everywhere you go"

"Hapa means half in Hawaiian"


  1. Is this from Tyra's show or from ANTM? I am boycotting the short version of ANTM that I was so excited about, based on Tyra's clear annoyance and discrimination of shorties.

  2. i started boycotting ANTM a few years ago when i realized i couldn't take all the excited screaming.
