Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chubbies in Bangkok... I couldn't resist...

it's 110 degrees here today. we're supposed to be going to see famous temples today, but may not be able to because of the protesters. everything, despite one million protesters (poor, rice growers, country folk - those not profiting in bangkok) seems super safe and happy. the protesters are all middle aged and older. it's very interesting times here.

aside from the fact that we tend toward the vaguely narcoleptic and are sleeping through our evenings, it's been a good ride.

we attempted to go to a Mon village north of bangkok. we didn't get there, but we did check out a market where we were the only non-thais. we took the ferry boat to the burbs of bangkok. there we were greeted with bamboo shoots, fresh ginger, frogs that - although gutted- were still moving, hella chicken feet, hella fish, and hella mangoes. It's mango season here don't you know.

Due to our freekishly early bed hours, D woke up at 4:30 and wandered pre-dawn bangkok. i don't know what leonardo decaprio's beef was, because depending on when and where you are, even in bangkok you can still feel like an exclusive outsider. But everyone was pleasant, if not slightly puzzled as to why the chubby non-thai brown girl was wandering the streets when there was nothing but local breakfast to buy.

today post-tour may involve shopping. or maybe another stab at the mon village. or maybe a massage. but definitely staying up past 10:30pm.

unknown foods eaten: 3.5*
unknown foods i'd eat again: 2.5

*.5: i thought i was buying a waffle on a stick... but NO! IT'S A WAFFLE WITH A HOT DOG INSIDE... on a stick


  1. hot dog wrapped in a waffle? That's an OUSD breakfast staple.

  2. I do not understand the Leo reference! I feel like a horrible fan... Andrew suggests frying the waffle wrapped hotdog

  3. I already try that before. waffle on a stick with hot inside is very nice. I love to do it over and over again.
